Co-curator of the exhibition “Place of Superworld Conflicts” with the participation of 46 Contemporary Greek artists, (28.6.24 - 2.7.24). It was held by “+oikismos” (artistic initiative in the refugee district of Chalandri), for the 5th year in the streets, parks and courtyards of the refugee residences of the Chalandri Quarter and is part of the Rematia Festival of the Municipality of Halandri. About “+oikismos”: In a deepening and focusing on “other spaces”, since 2019, centered on a refugee home in the Chalandri Quarter, contemporary art attempts to find and exist outside the metropolitan center. The development of asymmetric social, cultural, residential structures in historical time and their localization through discussions with the people of the region, feedback on artistic events with in situ visual installations, actions in streets, shops, parks and courtyards of houses that aim to involve artists with the local population in order to create an active dialogue with residents.